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Free Office Hour Advice with Fearless COO John Foster

John Foster-Fearless COO and Hutch coach

Hutch Office Hours

Grow your business with effective strategic planning

Fearless COO John Foster is answering your strategic planning questions and sharing how he is planning Fearless' future.

June 12, 2023 | 10:00 AM ET

This free webinar is intended for:

  • Business decision-makers
  • Founders or executives 

When you're a small business owner, making time for intentional growth and scaling can be a real challenge.

It's easy to get caught in an endless cycle of putting out fires or responding to unexpected opportunities. When this happens, longer-term planning often falls by the wayside.

At Hutch, we teach entrepreneurs how to effectively set visionary priorities and maximize their time through annual strategic planning. 

In this 60-minute session, we'll help you do the same!

Things you'll gain from the Hutch expert office hour:

  • Answers to your burning strategic planning questions 
  • Insights on how to use annual strategic planning effectively
  • Networking with entrepreneurs and Hutch experts to build your business network

... and so much more!

About the expert

John Foster is a partner and Chief Operations Officer of Fearless, a full-stack digital services firm with a mission to create software with a soul -- solutions that empower communities and make a difference. 

With Fearless' 200+ employees and $75 million in annual revenue, John manages the controlled chaos that is a growing digital services firm. As one of the company's first team members, John has driven Fearless's growth and impact from the start. He has 15+ years of experience delivering digital services, and through culture change and capacity building, he helps customers get to real outcomes.